Quotes From "Kissed: Once Upon A Time Omnibus Belle/Sunlight And Shadow/Winters Child" By Cameron Dokey

Perhaps love and hope are one and the same.
Perhaps love and hope are one and the same. Cameron Dokey
But fear is no fit means to measure anyone, for...
But fear is no fit means to measure anyone, for fools have no fear, or so I've heard it said. Cameron Dokey
Everything is beautiful in its own way, ma belle, even...
Everything is beautiful in its own way, ma belle, even if you have to look hard to find it. Cameron Dokey
How much easier my life would be if I did not love you! I thought. How much less painful, but how much plainer. How much less color there would be in the world. Cameron Dokey
Men are quite unobservant, you know. They see only what they wish to see. Cameron Dokey
The trouble with being angry is that it not only makes you feel stupid, it encourages you to say stupid things as well. Stupid things that are hard to take back and impossible to erase. Cameron Dokey
A home is a place one's heart creates and so recognizes as its own. A place it enters of its own free will. All others are merely dwelling places. Cameron Dokey